Information on Toulouse |
Toulouse is situated in the South of France along the Midi Canal and in between the Mediterranean (90 miles) and Atlantic (156 miles) and very close to the Pyrenees (70 miles) and the Spanish border. Today, Toulouse is the forth-largest city in France behind Paris, Marseille and Lyon. It counts around 400,000 inhabitants or about 750,000 including the urban areas. Toulouse has the second largest university (founded in 1229) in France behind Paris and accounts for about 110,000 students. With so many young students in the city, no wonder that Toulouse has so many restaurants, bars, cafes, theatres, museums, and other entertainment and cultural possibilities to offer. It seems that Toulouse has succeeded in connecting the old historical left-overs with the needs of today's modern society. |
Toulouse made itself a name by becoming a major economic metropolitan for aeronautics, space, electronics, information technology and biotechnology. In fact, Toulouse is the European leader and world No. 2 in aeronautical activities, the European leader in space activities as well as a leading French city for built-in electronics systems. With large companies such as Airbus located in Toulouse, the town attracts many foreign workers from all over the world which gives the city quite a unique characteristic. Walking down the streets of Toulouse or eating in the restaurants, we can easily hear people speek German, English, Italian, Spanish, etc. It's very cosmopolitan! |
Toulouse is also called "la ville rose" - the pink city - because of all the rose-red brick buildings. Considering how close Toulouse is to Spain it doesn't surprise us to find a lot of Spanish influence in this area, not just the way of life, the food, but also the architecture and culture. Toulouse offers about 160 parks, public gardens, squares and cloisters to its inhabitants for relaxation, leisure and sport. The city is aware that nature is a precious good and Toulouse is very environmentally minded: public buses run on natural gas and personal traffic is tried to be reduced by offering cheap bicycle rentals for the residents. Bicyclist in this town are accepted as pedestrians in Manhattan. In fact, Toulouse is among the leader in the towns to grant a significant place to the bike. Since ten years, the government has undertaken a program for cycle tracks which achieves each year more than 10 kilometers of new tracks for cyclists. |